
Orgasms Are Good for Your Health!


A study released earlier this year has found that sexual arousal and orgasm are not only fun, but are good for your health! This is one more reason to reproachfully chide a hubby who's not pleasing you: he doesn't want you to get breast cancer and die, does he? :(

In fact, getting turned on, sexual activity, and having orgasms are good for both men and women! The
original article from The Los Angeles Times says when you get turned on or have the Big O, your body releases lots of fun chemicals that are good for your health. Frequent sex (and I don't mean just vaginal intercourse; I mean all sex!) pumps your body full of health-friendly hormones and chemicals that can decrease heart disease, lower risk of breast cancer, flush out carginogens and toxins, clear out arteries, and help you live longer.

For men, it also reduces your risk of prostrate cancer.

For women, it increases your tolerance for pain (enter fun BDSM activities here!). In fact, your pain tolerance goes up during arousal, and actually doubles during an orgasm. While this makes for endless fun with BDSM experimentation, it also has more practical applications: think migraines, cramps, headaches, and sore muscles.

And please remember: health benefits are available from being turned on and sexually active, not just from having an orgasm. Orgasms are not the sole purpose of sex, and both men and women can enjoy sex for its bonding and feel-good qualities without getting off.

Finally, an article telling us sex is good for our health. Just one more reason why sexual activity in a committed, monogamous, loving marriage is a God-given gift. So next time, skip the gym and hop in bed...

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