
CDD: The 3 Ds and Other Offenses

In Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD) or its secular counterpart (DD), you may already know you want to start this lifestyle, have researched many links and read articles and testimonies online, and know how to warm up and deliver a good spanking. But what are punishable offenses?
You don't want to make too many rules or be too nit-picky in your rules, because if the task is impossible why would your wife bother? Take some time to sit down and talk together. The two of you should decide together what goals and rules you want to set. Remember, this is not a time for you to control her life, but a chance to help her grow and keep her emotionally and physically safe.
Several couples start small with the 3 Ds. You can eventually add on addictions, bad habits, spiritual issues, and anything else the two of you want. Remember, you can only do CDD/DD if she agrees to give you the control, and this means the two of you must agree on both the end (goals) and the means (rules and consequences.)
The 3 Ds
  • Disrespect
  • Disobedience
  • Dishonesty
  • Destructiveness (Oo, I sneaked one in! the 4th D, used by some DD/CDD websites)
  • Smoking
  • Caffeine
  • Shopping
  • Drinking
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Gambling
  • Pornography
  • Sex
  • Food
  • Others...?
  • Please be aware that you should not ask your wife to sacrifice anything for her health that you are not willing to sacrifice as well. Also, please read the symptoms of addictions here and realize that simply enjoying and using a substance too much does NOT mean you are addicted.
Bad Habits
  • Nail biting
  • Tardiness
  • Sarcasm
  • Temper Tantrums
  • Chronic Messiness
  • Controlling Tendencies
  • Overbooking yourself
  • Sleeping in Makeup
  • Lack of Higiene or Health Care
  • Knuckle cracking
  • Gossiping
  • Others....?
Spiritual Issues
  • Not attending church
  • Spiritual apathy
  • Not praying regularly
  • Not serving others
  • Not reading the Bible or finding time to worship
  • Sinning

Remember, you aren't her Daddy and you aren't her boss. It is up to God to change her and decide what needs to be changed, not you. You are only to be a tool that God uses to help her change. Decide together, agree upon a suitable consequence, and stick to it.

Please remember to be fair. Don't insist she give up coffee for her health if you do not do so as well. Consider having her tone down some bad habits that may not be full addictions rather than cutting them out altogether. Only cut those things out that are for her own good, not things that simply annoy you. You are her spiritual leader, and it is up to you to make sure she stays happy, healthy, and whole.

Also, be specific. "Disrespect" means something different to all of us. What you may see as disrespectful may be how her mother always talked to her father. Make sure the two of you agree specifically on what constitutes disrespect and what does not. Give her specific, clear instructions. She cannot follow vague orders.

I hope this leads you to a happier, better marriage!

CDD: Introduction

CDD: Discipline and Punishment

CDD: A Typical Punishment Session

CDD: Why Women Want a Strong Man

CDD: The 3 Ds and Other Offenses

CDD: To Read More

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