
SEXPERTS Now Available on KinkySexLink!

I'm thrilled to announce that my blog has been chosen for addition to the net's best bloggers list on Kinky Sex Link!
Kinky Sex Link (www.kinkysexlink.com) is a BDSM resource site run by Mystress Lady Evyl. It's an 18+ site for BDSM bloggers and avid blog readers, with loads of links to all the best sex and BDSM bloggers out there on the web. There is a monthly contest for the best blog submission (comment on your favorite post to nominate that writer), a monthly feature called KSL Beat that features various articles and reviews to keep you current with the BDSM world, and even the chance to submit your own articles and news for other kinksters online.
KSL also has a "Blogger Bio" page introducing you to the internet's best sex bloggers (check me out under "Sexperts"!) and their blogs, with writers ranging everywhere from married to poly, Master to slave, Christian, pagan, straight, transgender, queer, gay, and everything in between. Whatever your interests, these writers represent the best BDSM blogs out there, and KSL lets you read their posts all in one convenient location.
Mystress Evyl has also included a great Links page, which includes famous past KSL bloggers, online BDSM stores, localized BDSM news and attractions, erotica, toys, recommended reading lists, online fetish communities, and "how-to" guides for all types of BDSM, from Mastering to puppy training.
Please hop on over to www.KinkySexLink.com to support your fellow kinksters and their blogs!

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