LOL stands for Love Our Lurkers.
This is a tradition started by Bonnie at My Bottom Smarts. I got the idea from Mick at Husbandly Touch. It’s the bloggers' day to especially invite those of you who have been reading my blog but have not commented before.
Sometimes I read people's blogs and don't comment on every post, but I do always comment on one of their posts at some point. That's because as a writer, I understand how discouraging it can get to have two or three comments on a post. Maybe hundreds of people have read it, but maybe only those two or three people. It's a bit depressing.
Even if I don't have much to say to a fellow blogger, I just try to say hello and that I liked the post, or lol, or "Yes, I identify with that!", or something. Something so the people know I'm reading and participating. Something to encourage them to keep reading.
If you’ve been lurking, would you consider leaving a comment to let me know you’re there? You don’t have to say much or anything clever. Just a "hi, I do read your blog" would be nice! If you want to remain anonymous, that is totally fine.
Hope to hear from you!
Heyo, just wandering the interwebs trying to plan a weekend and I stumbled across your (not so) little blog, considering you went through the trouble to make a post specifically calling out those of us who rarely stick our heads out of our warm comfy turtle shells (why did I think of turtles..) and actually thank people for their hard work, I just thought I should say hello, and thank you for letting me putter around your blog.
I'm a Christian woman who reads your blog. Thank you for sharing.
Hey,I'm a huge lurker and I read your blog frequently. I appreciate all the knowledge, laughs, and food for thought yours and other blogs have provided. Keep up the good work, haha. :)
I'm not sure if I ever left a comment on your blog before, I don't follow you that long. Mostly I follow the same principle as you do. But to be sure: here I am ;-)
Hello from a Buddhist Dominant in 2016. Thanks for writing all of this. Your work is appreciated, as I make my way from the first entries to the most recent.
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