

I haven't been posting because I've spent all my free time obsessively checking and re-checking the internet with posts such as
  • very early pregnancy signs
  • HGc hormone tests
  • implantation cramping
  • how long after implantation to take test?
  • baby clothes
  • etc...

Sadly, Google only knows so much, and it can't tell you much more on the 5th or 6th search than it did on the first.

So I have nothing BDSM-related to talk to you about, because I am thinking only about pregnancy. Am I pregnant? Do I want to be pregnant? Is this too early? What about our plans to move? Where on earth will we put a nursery? Will the cats ever be happy with a new person in the house? What about my job? How will I keep working if I'm sick, tired, and nauseous? Etc., etc. etc.

I've been having some symptoms that could definitely signal early pregnancy, like:

  • head rushes
  • yeast infection
  • sensitivity to smells
  • emotional
  • easily tired out
  • super hungry, then feel full after 5 bites
  • light cramping on my left side for a day

But I have had none of the more obvious pregnancy signs, such as

  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • sore breasts
  • spotting
  • bleeding gums
  • cramping that lasts for 4-6 days

So that's what I'm doing.... waiting.... waiting.... waiting....

While waiting, I have learned many interesting things about early pregnancy and the hopeful moms who post on early pregnancy forums, such as:

  • TTC means "trying to conceive"
  • AF means "Aunt Flow" or your period
  • conception occurs a day or two after your ovulate, no matter when you had sex
  • implantation can occur 6-12 days after you ovulate
  • your body won't start making HGC until 6-15 days after implantation occurs
  • early pregnancy has a 25-50% chance of ending in miscarriage (that fact TERRIFIES me... how to pregnant women ever relax?!)

The way I see it, there are pros each way. If I'm pregnant, that means:

  • a new baby!!!! What a blessing!
  • we're not infertile
  • my family will be THRILLED when I tell them
  • my dad's birthday is coming up at the end of February, so if we ARE pregnant I have the best way to tell them: have him open his gift, and inside just have an infant onsie in camo colors (my dad loves to hunt and fish)

If I'm not pregnant, this means:

  • My Dom can keep looking for a job out of state, because moving would still be an option
  • My Dom will not be stuck for a few more years at a job he hates
  • we won't be paupers in 10 months
  • I can keep drinking caffeine and enjoying the occasional vice at a party
  • I won't be emotional, sore, moody, sick, or tired for 9 months
  • We'll have to try again and I'll have another terrible 14 days of interminable waiting.

I have a doctor's appointment today. I called Planned Parenthood just to see how much their tests are, although I have serious reservations about spending my money at such an anti-Christian, pro-abortion and pro-morning-after-pill place. I probably couldn't have spent my money there in good conscience, but anyway my normal doctor has tests for $50 and PP has them for $110, so it was an easy decision to make, both financially and morally. (Please don't send me hate mail if you love PP.... I'm just saying it doesn't line up with a lot of my beliefs.)

Wish us luck (either way, I guess)!

1 comment:

Little Butterfly said...

My pregnancy sign was always extreme fatigue. Like do one little thing that I could easily do before and then be so tired from it, I'd have to take a nap.

Good luck!! Whatever happens, it's supposed to happen. :)