Lately, I've been really craving some good, old-fashioned Domination. I hate it, but if it's done right, afterward I love it. I may kick and scream and fight at the beginning, but if he can drive me past that point, I love the feeling of curling up next to him, exhausted and sweaty, and collapsing into a lovely, peaceful sleep.
My Dom decided to start small. Of course, he didn't tell me that! :)
First, after a lovely backrub, he just started kissing me. I didn't like it; I felt claustrophobic and somewhat pushed into it. I whined and squirmed, but he was unrelenting. He told me if I needed it to stop, I could use my safeword, and then just went right ahead manhandling me. My squirms and squeals of protest got louder and more frantic, but he didn't stop or even slow down.
I was getting very unhappy.
Then he started sucking on my nipples! Normally, I like this, but it is a very intimate thing. (He told me later he was going for the "Too much too soon" feeling, and he got it!) I don't like being manhandled in what is supposed to be an intimate, pleasurable area when I'm just being forced and used. I started screeching in protest, and my breathing started to really come hard and fast, telling him I was getting seriously distressed. He didn't stop.
I squirmed, kicked, wiggled, moaned, and whined, but he didn't stop. He pinned my hands roughly above my head, trapping some hair in there, and I could not even move my head anymore without pain. I got one hand free and hit him; he just gave a low laugh and wrestled it back into place, saying, "I like a girl with some fight in her!"
I tried to claw his hands that were pinning my hands above my head, but he didn't seem to feel it. Later, though, he pulled me across his lap and started spanking me by hand---something he knows I hate! (Later, he told me that he started out hard at first to hurt me, then slowed back down to a more light spank, knowing it would still hurt after those hard first ones.) He spanked me while I whined and started to dry sob---no tears came, but I was shaking and breathing like they might appear soon. He still didn't stop spanking me; in fact, he seemed to enjoy it.
Finally, he told me why I was getting spanked: I'd tried to claw him. Frantic to get away from where I was pinned on his lap, I dug my nails into his side, the only place I could grab him. Immediately the spanking stopped. "DO NOT try to claw me!" he thundered, making me whimper and lie still in terror. "Do you understand me?" I whimpered and stopped moving. "Do you UNDERSTAND me?" he roared. Totally undone, I could only hold back the sobs and nod.
When he was done spanking me---I did not fight him or claw him anymore, but simply took it and shook with dry sobs---he rolled me over, embraced me, and said softly, "It's all over, Pretty Girl, it's all done." He held me while I calmed down, stroked my hair, and checked to see if I needed water. He explained that even though perhaps I'd wanted more, we haven't done BDSM in a long while and he wanted to ease me into it, not give me anything that I couldn't handle. I nodded my understanding and clung to him in one of those wonderfully needy embraces I only manage right after a good BDSM scene.
Ahhh, sweet kink and torture! My Dom and I have returned.
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