
What's Biblical and Not in Christian BDSM

After reading a bunch of stuff on BDSM, I realize that for many BDSM lifestylists, things are normal (and even expected) in BDSM that are 100% not-okay from a biblical standpoint. This will be a short article, but I think it is necessary for clarity.

Not Okay (includes but not limited to)
Okay (includes but not limited to)
  • women being Doms and men being Subs
  • bondage, tying up, handcuffs, etc.
  • hitting, spanking, paddling, whipping, etc.
  • emotional humiliation (*if* the person wants it)
  • rape fantasies (about your partner)
  • using kinky sex toys
  • anal play for men or women (it's not "gay" if you're not doing it with a member of the same sex)
  • "human bestiality" (dressing up as puppy, horse, or other animal)
I think it is obvious that I did not, nor can I, list everything that is biblical and nonbiblical in BDSM, because BDSM is only limited your imagination. But many BDSM sites seem to assume that your Dom can order you to have sex with other people, have a bi or gay sex scene, have sex in front of other people, allow Masters or Mistresses to have multiple partners besides you, or participate in a threesome. Don't do anything that puts you at odds with God! If you have other questions, contact us or look it up.

Basically, the rule is this: if it doesn't harm someone else, is legal, is between two consensual adults over 18, and isn't specifically forbidden in the Bible or your Church, it's okay.

Click here for another (albeit somewhat incomplete) website on Christian BDSM relationships.


  1. I find your automatic dismissal of same-sex relations to be ill-informed. In the same way that the bible was written in a misogynist culture, it was also written in a homophobic culture. Zoology and anthropology have proven that it is perfectly natural to have some same sex relations for certain people. As a self-identified bisexual male (also submissive), I know it to be fact that sexual preference is often, if not always, not a choice, but a sort of predestination based on various biological factors.

    I am also a christian, practicing predominately methodism (although I also like the beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends). I have read many of your posts, and while I appreciate the informative articles, I feel this information against same-sex relations is simply wrong.

    Biblical inaccuracies are nothing new, nor do they discount the Bible, either. I believe the proper way to study scripture is to not take it at face value, but to discern the meanings and motives from historical, cultural, and political perspectives. The easiest example would be the creation story, discounted beyond the shadow of a doubt by science. The creation story still has use as a moral story and information about sin and choice, but certainly not for any scientific account.

    Of all the topics which Jesus spoke on, he never once mentioned homosexuality. It was only ever mentioned in the books of men, not in the books of Jesus.

    The Bible is also open to interpretation. While the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is interpretted by Christians to be anti-homosexual, Judaism has no such interpretation, instead seeing it as a need for hospitality. Considering they WROTE the book of Genesis, as well as invented the language in which it was written, I would likely follow their interpretation.

  2. Ok.Well lets pick the culture argument hmmm? Which culture would that have been exactly? There are 66 books in the Bible and they were written by different people from different places in different time periods. The cultures, well, I'd love to say they were different too but historically, meh, not so much. They were drinkers and carousers, sexually immoral (by biblical standards) and thought those crazy worshippers of the one true God were just as wrong as you think we are. Yep the majority of the culture then (whichever then you want to pick) was all for homosexuality. The believers of those times were the odd ones not the majority. Oh we have our moments, but they don't last. Hey look, I get it. Sex, love, all of that. It's hard to argue against how you feel. Problem is I have a God who is telling me it's a big N O and if I believe what he says in the rest of the book, then I have to believe that to. It really is all or nothin' folks. Jesus believed, lived by, and quoted, often the old testament. He made it clear they were God's words and were to be heeded. So no need for Him to repeat it all.

    As far as the above suggested rules for Christian BDSM, I would say, sounds exactly right. I would only add that if it interferes with your actual marriage in a bad way or you relationship with God, then take a step back and reevaluate. Of course I hope this would go without saying but sometimes...

    Please forgive me if I've misspelled or had poor punctuation. I don't like reading it and I hate writing it, but I need new glasses and I can barely see what I am doing, lol! Oh, also, sorry for the anonymous it was easiest, I am knotbutterflies on fetlife, not that I have done more than open a profile ha! That's the best I can do for an id. I was just clicking around and found this blog. this is the first post I read.

  3. Knotbutterflies, above, has it right. The Bible, as GOD's word, speaks absolute truth.

    In math, there are absolute values, defined as the actual magnitude of a numerical value, irrespective of its relation to other values. For the world, there is but one absolute truth: GOD's living word, the Bible. The Bible speaks this absolute truth irrespective of its relations to other values; a.k.a., society's twisting of sins to present them in a more favorable, and palatable light.

    Through all the generations, society skews absolute truth to fit their own life choices; homosexuality is but one way this truth has varied to fit a lifestyle from what GOD spoke against in His living word, the Bible.

    The Bible's truth can and should be taken literal, and it is as true now as the day it was written, and absolutely accurate. GOD is, after all, the only perfect thing in all of Creation, and this is His publication!

    A sin is a sin is a sin.

    Lying, stealing, murder, practicing homosexuality-all are sins in the eyes of GOD. I am guilty of sin, as are we all sinners and fall short of GOD's grace. The key is as easy as ABC-to Admit our sins, Believe that Jesus died to set us free from them, and Confess to GOD that we are a sinner.

    In sincerely admitting, believing and confessing to GOD, the Holy Spirit dwells within us and causes a believer to want to avoid repeating those previously committed sins, whether lying, stealing, homosexuality, murder--whatever.

    It is not for me or anyone else to question whether any one person is a true believer, that will only come from GOD on judgment day. We should love one another; we are all sinners in His eyes.

    I did not create a profile before posting this; I saw the above posts and was just compelled to reply. I hope this helps clarify some of the issues that are floating around in today's world. It is a confusing place to be, and the only thing to do when life gets too confusing is to seek the Truth, because His Truth will set you free!
