
Doing an Interrogation Scene Right

Mirriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines "interrogation" as to question formally and systematically. Wikipedia goes a step farther and says an interrogation scene is a form of BDSM roleplay in which the participants act out the parts of torturer and victim.

So if you want to do your own interrogation scene, how do you start?

First, costumes can be fun, but are optional. You can get fun police officer costumes, for both males and females, online or at many Halloween stores. Ditto for handcuffs and hot accessories like hats, belts, fake guns, holsters, and boots. Other cool ideas are CIA agent, Nazi soldier, or anonymous masked man (masked woman?). All these are available online, just make sure you can use them again or it might be a waste of money. If you want cheap ideas that you can do with stuff you just have lying around the house, consider a ski mask and gloves. You can also incorporate fun props: tape, rope, bright lights, desk and chair, video camera, belt or paddle, needles (sterilize them first!!!) and any other sex toys/implements of torture you can come up with (a wooden hairbrush is actually one of the most painful torture methods used, and everyone has one of those lying around). Of course, if you're not that into costumes, a perfectly hot scene can be done without them: my Dom and I don't really like costumes or too many fake props all that much; for me, it feels hokey and too fake--I don't know why he doesn't like it, you'd have to ask him.

If you're playing the Dom for this scene, decide exactly what information you want to get. Make sure it's something your Sub knows that you don't. This can be as simple as having your Sub look through your music collection and memorize the name and artist of one song, or having them Google some obscure bit of information. If your sub has a good imagination, give them time to come up with an awesome fictional story about what naughty things they've done wrong (sex, drug trafficking, stealing, selling top-secret information to other governments). Be sure to give them time to come up with all the specifics, such as who they know, what happened and when, and names, places, and dates. This will give you lots of fun information to slowly torture or cajole out of them!

Would you rather get real information out of them? Force them to tell you their deepest, darkest fantasies, most humiliating moment, or secret fears (this wouldn't work for me, as my Dom knows them all anyway). Slowly drag out some real imformation like their bank account number and password. Or, have them take an object they don't want you to have and hide it from you. You shouldn't know what the object is or where to find it. You can have a hot time dragging it out of them! You could even give them a $20 to hide, and if they don't give up its location, they get to keep it! For the exceptionally evil, have your sub hide the sex toy or torture implement they most fear and hate you using on them (paddles, needles, whips, dildos...) If you get it out of them, their punishment is that you get to use it on them mercilessly. This will make your scene seem really, really real as your sub will be honestly not wanting to give the information you are trying to torture or bully out of them!

If you're too nervous or new at this to try getting real information, you can always just torture them for info they don't really have. For many people, that makes it even more frightening and realistic: they are terrified and honestly don't know what the torturer wants out of them. They don't have the information to give if they wanted to! Of course, the con of this situation is you don't really know when to stop until you get tired or they say the safeword.

Other kinky ideas I found browsing online: "Kidnap" your victim from work or the store. Grab them when they don't expect it and throw them in your car. Tie them up and drive them to your house, an abandoned parking lot or park, or other deserted area. Once there, tie them to the bed, hang their tied arms from a tree, or blindfold and gag them and handcuff them to a bench. (Just make sure the police don't think you're *really* doing something!)

At the end of the interrogation, have a big finish, like a mock execution.

Wear a mask that covers your face and play a role other than yourself. Refuse to say who you are, but as you torture and tease your victim, refer to yourself as "your husband," "your girlfriend," (or whatever you really are), or by your first name. This makes the victim feel they are at the hands of a merciless stranger, even while they feel safe knowing it's you. :)

Tie them to a chair, shine bright lights in their eyes, or do anything else to up the intensity of the whole scene. Be somewhere safe you can yell, hit them, whip them, or sexually accost them. Alternate between periods of intense "cruelty" and sweet, cajoling words (your own personal version of Good Cop/Bad Cop!).

One kinkster had an awesome idea: Everybody has something they don't want to say. I just start working on them, asking "What are you holding back? What haven't you told me? I know there's something in that brain of yours, tell me!"
Eventually some little hint slips out, and I follow that.

If you know another language, use that. Many people are completely turned on and at the same time terrified by someone shouting at them and torturing them for information they can't even understand. A lot of people seem really into German, I guess because it is harsher and meaner sounding???, but any foreign language will do. Of course, you must also pretend you don't understand any English or what they're trying to say!

For a unique twist on interrogation scenes, pick something yourself that your sub doesn't know about. As you yell and torture, keep telling them that this will all end as soon as they do the right thing. They will be scrambling and begging to try to figure it out, and you get lots of cool favors as they desperately search to do what you want! Of course, when they try the wrong thing, that gives you the perfect opportunity to push them away, start yelling again, and "punish" them!

Ending Notes
Of course, your interrogation scene can be as mild or as hot and wild as you want it to be. You can start with a very simple, costume-and-prop-free session in the safety of your bedroom while you sexually tease your partner into telling you something minor. Or you can do a full-blown scene with costumes, props, bright lights, and lots of real pain and torture, hitting, screaming, and biting, to induce your sub to a sobbing, begging mess who goes limp with gratitude when you stop beating for a moment. Remember: for many people, it's not getting the information that counts, but getting your sub to that level where they are completely helpless, vulnerable, and an emotional wreck--allowing you the power to make or break them!


  1. Okay, I can be damn twisted but can't seem to come up with how to pull off a mock execution scene. Do tell.

  2. fake blood, fuck their dying corpse

    1. Well that escalated quickly.

    2. Just watch what Sam pepper did

  3. ROTFL! That was funny!
